Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bad beat at blackjack

Last night I was trying to kill time constructively - I didn't want to do anything "heavy", but I didn't want to idle in my room either. There's only so many Dexter episodes I can watch at one time.

So I played a shoe of blackjack here and there; some 5 cent Spin Spoker on the slots; kibitzed with some of the players in the poker room who I have met over the past few days, and tried to stay out of trouble.

Blackjack was mixed. I would win a few hundred, stop, play later, lose a few hundred, and never broke out much in either direction. Towards the end of the evening, though, the losing sessions outnumbered the winning ones.

Towards the end of the evening, playing heads up against the dealer, I felt it necessary to spread to three hands, as this was about the only tool in my arsenal I had left at this tough table.

My seat one was dealt two Aces; seat two was dealt 99 for 18; and seat 3 was dealt K10 for a solid 20.

$100 on each hand, I was not charmed to see the dealer show an Ace. My first decision was whether or not to take an insurance bet against the dealer having a blackjack.

I decided no insurance. Declarer checked for a picture card, and 'no one home', we were good.

Next decision was whether or not I should split the Aces. Almost every one I have ever played with would think I am nuts for even thinking I had a decision here - they view the split as automatic, but I don't.

Having said that, I decided to split - hoping at least one of the two hands would be a winner.

This brought my action on this single deal up to $400. Joy of joys, the first Ace begat a Jack, and the second Ace begat a queen for two solid twenty ones.

So to summarise, I have four $100 hands face up on the table against the dealer showing an Ace but no blackjack.

I have K10 99 AQ AJ

The dealer turned over a four to go with his Ace. In a second, joy turned to incredulity when the next card out was a six, giving him an in-your-face twenty one of his own.

Lose $200. Next victim please !

Before he could scoop the cards away for the next deal, I said "Wait! Let me take a picture with my camera phone!"

Of course, the supe wouldn't let me, and anyway, I had no intentions of doing so - I just needed to vent in some way - this seemed healthier than slamming the table or throwing my drink at the poor dealer.

I played a few more hands, but I was too foggy - I really did not know how to beat this table - I had given it my best, and my best wasn't enough. I declared temporary defeat, and went to bed. (Better to lose a skirmish, but win the war later)

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