Thursday, December 17, 2009

Another day, another poker tourney

The truth is not every day is exciting in Las Vegas - at least not when you approach the whole thing as a business, rather than as an escape from reality as many do.

Yesterday, I woke up a bit bug eyed, and decided to forego poker tournaments. Did a little shopping; pampered myself, and the Blackjack dealers and I played ping pong with my various buy-ins. That is, I won some, lost some; slightly down on the day - due to the extra saki I had at dinner. (Big rookie mistake - never ever drink and gamble)

Today I recovered that loss and a bit more in the morning's blackjack, and then had my stiff neck and shoulders massaged by a 92 pound masseuse who was strong like a bull. It was hard to contain my yelps as she pounded the twists and knots.

Then it was time for the mid day Venetian poker tourney - the $150 buy in. It turned out to be pretty boring.

I played almost five hours, and had no hands nor cards to speak of. I only saw one pair (sevens only) in the first half hour and that was it for the whole session.

Still, I survived, barely, to level 10, and 17th of an original 85 entrants. But I had no chance today. I just got to exercise my patience skills, and ultimately my survival and small stack skills - and even then I did not do much of that.

Svetlana has made some new Russian friends - so she has been giving them her insider's knowledge of Vegas's high end shopping all day. I believe we are all going to TAO for dinner tonight (One of Tiger's old haunts)

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